Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.990
EU - Europa 1.864
AS - Asia 619
SA - Sud America 11
OC - Oceania 5
AF - Africa 1
Totale 4.490
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.980
IT - Italia 1.237
CN - Cina 313
UA - Ucraina 200
SG - Singapore 155
DE - Germania 108
TR - Turchia 104
GB - Regno Unito 76
FI - Finlandia 61
FR - Francia 54
SE - Svezia 49
ID - Indonesia 35
PL - Polonia 19
BE - Belgio 13
ES - Italia 13
CH - Svizzera 9
CA - Canada 6
RO - Romania 6
AU - Australia 5
RS - Serbia 5
HK - Hong Kong 4
MX - Messico 4
BR - Brasile 3
CO - Colombia 3
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
IN - India 3
NL - Olanda 3
PE - Perù 3
RU - Federazione Russa 3
PT - Portogallo 2
AO - Angola 1
AR - Argentina 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
CL - Cile 1
CY - Cipro 1
DK - Danimarca 1
HR - Croazia 1
IR - Iran 1
JP - Giappone 1
PH - Filippine 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 4.490
Città #
Chandler 233
Jacksonville 196
Fairfield 156
Ann Arbor 149
Woodbridge 127
Singapore 111
Milan 99
Ashburn 93
Izmir 80
Beijing 78
Nanjing 66
Wilmington 64
Houston 63
Seattle 61
New York 54
Princeton 51
Shanghai 51
Ferrara 48
Rome 48
Cambridge 39
Boardman 35
Jakarta 35
Addison 29
Los Angeles 27
Bremen 26
Verona 26
Bologna 24
Nanchang 23
Redwood City 18
San Diego 18
Warsaw 18
Naples 16
Santa Clara 16
Shenyang 16
Hebei 15
Padova 15
Palermo 15
Brescia 14
Helsinki 14
Brussels 12
Venice 12
Norwalk 11
Auburn Hills 10
Genzano 9
Napoli 9
Tavagnacco 9
Torino 9
Valdagno 9
Changsha 8
Florence 8
Gualtieri 8
Jiaxing 8
Rho 8
Tianjin 8
Catania 7
Genova 7
Imola 7
Lappeenranta 7
Boara 6
Castel Maggiore 6
Messina 6
Mountain View 6
Zhengzhou 6
Bari 5
Chicago 5
Comacchio 5
Dearborn 5
Des Moines 5
Falls Church 5
Jinan 5
Kunming 5
Malvern East 5
Montecorvino Rovella 5
Munich 5
Reggio Nell'emilia 5
Trieste 5
Boulder 4
Cagliari 4
Caivano 4
Cascina 4
Castelnuovo Rangone 4
Hong Kong 4
Montepulciano 4
Paris 4
Reggio Emilia 4
Taizhou 4
Trento 4
Turin 4
Washington 4
Winchester 4
Andover 3
Bergamo 3
Borgo San Giacomo 3
Cancellara 3
Castelli Calepio 3
Cisano Bergamasco 3
Corridonia 3
Dallas 3
Desio 3
Fribourg 3
Totale 2.614
Nome #
Le scale per la valutazione del dolore neonatale: una rassegna 457
Lo sbadiglio nel neonato pretermine 156
Clinical analysis of spontaneous startles in preterm neonates via sensor networks 148
L'assistenza al neonato nei paesi in via di sviluppo. 146
L'alimentazione del neonato pretermine 141
null 134
Universal Head Ultrasound Screening in Full-term Neonates: A Retrospective Analysis of 6771 Infants 132
Fame/Sazietà e comportamento spontaneo nel neonato pretermine 126
Pura syndrome: an emerging neurodevelopmental disorder 119
Different pre-term formulas for different pre-term infants 113
Profilassi con la vitamina K nel neonato sano: le strategie adottate 101
Assistenza infermieristica al neonato con sindrome da intestino corto. 99
Lo sbadiglio come possibile marker nella valutazione neurocomportamentale del neonato prematuro: evidenze preliminari da uno studio sui gemelli 96
Anemia emolitica congenita da difetto eritrocitario di membrana: una diagnosi da considerare nel neonato con ittero 94
Dalla neonata alla madre: diagnosi di distrofia miotonica 94
Un'ipotonia sospetta 89
null 87
null 77
Anemizzazione acuta grave in un neonato VLBW 76
Universal neonatal screening for sickle cell disease and other haemoglobinopathies in Ferrara, Italy 76
Malformazione arterovenosa cerebrale con aneurisma della vena di Galeno 75
Malformazione artero venosa cerebrale: una causa di scompenso cardiaco 75
Prophylactic Use of a Probiotic in the Prevention of Colic, Regurgitation, and Functional Constipation. A Randomized Clinical Trial 73
Vitamina K per os: profilassi della MEN 63
Ipoventilazione centrale congenita: descrizione di un caso 61
Una "comune" gastroschisi 60
IL DIVEZZAMENTO NEL PRETERMINE [Weaning in pre-term infants] 60
null 60
La valutazione del dolore nel neonato attraverso la codifica del comportamento facciale 59
null 59
Prevalence and characteristics of positional plagiocephaly in healthy full-term infants at 8–12 weeks of life 58
ATP1A2- and ATP1A3-associated early profound epileptic encephalopathy and polymicrogyria 58
Insufficienza multiorgano in neonato con neuroblastoma 57
Gli integratori:luci ed ombre 56
Una notte con Carolina e Camilla! 56
Prevalence and associated factors for agenesis of corpus callosum in Emilia Romagna (1981–2015) 54
Tale madre.. tale figlio! 49
Expanding the clinical spectrum of recessive truncating mutations of KLHL7 to a Bohring-Opitz-like phenotype 48
Hypospadias prevalence in the Emilia Romagna Region registry: Increasing or methodology? 47
null 46
Neuroprem: The Neuro-developmental outcome of very low birth weight infants in an Italian region 44
Factors affecting yawning frequencies in preterm neonates 35
PURA-Related Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy Phenotypic and Genotypic Spectrum 33
Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder in the White Sutton Syndrome 28
Survival of children with rare structural congenital anomalies: a multi-registry cohort study 24
EUROlinkCAT protocol for a European population-based data linkage study investigating the survival, morbidity and education of children with congenital anomalies 22
Does hunger affect spontaneous behavior in preterm neonates? A new coding scale 19
Universal Cranial Ultrasound Screening in Preterm Infants With Gestational Age 33-36 Weeks. A Retrospective Analysis of 724 Newborns 18
Preterm birth and prescriptions for cardiovascular, antiseizure, antibiotics and antiasthmatic medication in children up to 10 years of age: a population-based data linkage cohort study across six European regions 17
Epidemiology of Pierre-Robin sequence in Europe: A population-based EUROCAT study 17
Accuracy of congenital anomaly coding in live birth children recorded in European health care databases, a EUROlinkCAT study 16
Universal newborn screening for sickle cell disease and other hemoglobinopathies in Ferrara 16
Neuroprem 2: An Italian Study of Neurodevelopmental Outcomes of Very Low Birth Weight Infants 16
Two Mutations in Surfactant Protein C Gene Associated with Neonatal Respiratory Distress 15
Hospital Length of Stay and Surgery among European Children with Rare Structural Congenital Anomalies-A Population-Based Data Linkage Study 14
Gastrostomy and congenital anomalies: a European population-based study 14
Prevention of Neural Tube Defects in Europe: A Public Health Failure 14
Mood and anxiety spectrum disorders detected by neuropsychiatric interviews in young adults born preterm: A prospective cohort study 13
Valutare il dolore nel neonato mediante la codifica del comportamento facciale: il prelievo dal tallone 13
Risk factors for mortality in infancy and childhood in children with major congenital anomalies: A European population-based cohort study 12
European study showed that children with congenital anomalies often underwent multiple surgical procedures at different ages across Europe 12
Prescriptions for insulin and insulin analogues in children with and without major congenital anomalies: a data linkage cohort study across six European regions 11
Epidemiology of aplasia cutis congenita: a population-based study in Europe 10
Causes of death in children with congenital anomalies up to age 10 in eight European countries 9
Use of Ketamine in a Newborn With Refractory Status Epilepticus: A Case Report 9
SENTIERI - Epidemiological Study of Residents in National Priority Contaminated Sites. Sixth Report [SENTIERI - Studio epidemiologico nazionale dei territori e degli insediamenti esposti a rischio da inquinamento. Sesto Rapporto] 7
Hospital care in the first 10 years of life of children with congenital anomalies in six European countries: data from the EUROlinkCAT cohort linkage study 7
Survival, hospitalisation and surgery in children born with Pierre Robin sequence: a European population-based cohort study 7
Timing of Cardiac Surgical Interventions and Postoperative Mortality in Children With Severe Congenital Heart Defects Across Europe: Data From the EUROlinkCAT Study 5
Antiasthmatic prescriptions in children with and without congenital anomalies: a population-based study 5
Higher risk of cerebral palsy, seizures/epilepsy, visual‐ and hearing impairments, cancer, injury and child abuse in children with congenital anomalies: Data from the EUROlinkCAT study 5
Totale 4.632
Categoria #
all - tutte 22.818
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 454
Totale 23.272

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020503 0 0 0 77 32 63 44 47 53 88 64 35
2020/2021733 58 54 49 90 55 93 39 66 37 95 74 23
2021/2022630 17 91 36 72 36 24 24 55 20 54 44 157
2022/2023677 62 31 46 64 105 85 44 54 81 23 56 26
2023/2024489 42 62 28 19 18 62 17 39 18 39 45 100
2024/2025362 76 55 215 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.632