Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 10.085
EU - Europa 3.070
AS - Asia 2.485
SA - Sud America 55
OC - Oceania 21
AF - Africa 8
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 6
Totale 15.730
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 10.035
CN - Cina 1.188
IT - Italia 796
UA - Ucraina 675
SG - Singapore 624
DE - Germania 426
TR - Turchia 380
GB - Regno Unito 303
PL - Polonia 253
FI - Finlandia 189
ID - Indonesia 125
SE - Svezia 116
BE - Belgio 51
NL - Olanda 49
CA - Canada 45
FR - Francia 45
BR - Brasile 32
IN - India 30
ES - Italia 23
PT - Portogallo 23
AT - Austria 22
VN - Vietnam 20
JP - Giappone 19
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 17
KR - Corea 17
TW - Taiwan 17
AU - Australia 16
HK - Hong Kong 16
IR - Iran 16
LT - Lituania 12
RU - Federazione Russa 12
IE - Irlanda 10
AR - Argentina 8
HU - Ungheria 7
IL - Israele 7
CH - Svizzera 6
GR - Grecia 6
RO - Romania 6
CL - Cile 5
CO - Colombia 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 5
PH - Filippine 5
TH - Thailandia 5
DK - Danimarca 4
EU - Europa 4
NO - Norvegia 4
LU - Lussemburgo 3
MC - Monaco 3
MX - Messico 3
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
EC - Ecuador 2
EG - Egitto 2
HR - Croazia 2
MY - Malesia 2
OM - Oman 2
SI - Slovenia 2
TN - Tunisia 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
CY - Cipro 1
EE - Estonia 1
IQ - Iraq 1
IS - Islanda 1
JO - Giordania 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MN - Mongolia 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PA - Panama 1
PE - Perù 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
PY - Paraguay 1
RS - Serbia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SC - Seychelles 1
UY - Uruguay 1
Totale 15.730
Città #
Fairfield 1.224
Woodbridge 1.095
Jacksonville 792
Santa Clara 755
Houston 736
Ashburn 621
Ann Arbor 615
Chandler 614
Wilmington 477
Singapore 459
Seattle 448
Cambridge 424
Izmir 290
Warsaw 251
Nanjing 248
Princeton 205
Beijing 186
Ferrara 158
Jakarta 124
Boardman 120
San Diego 119
Milan 83
Nanchang 71
Shanghai 71
Shenyang 67
Hebei 54
Bologna 49
Changsha 49
Brussels 47
Tianjin 46
Los Angeles 41
London 37
Jiaxing 34
Redwood City 32
Helsinki 31
Zhengzhou 30
Mountain View 29
Norwalk 28
Munich 24
Ningbo 24
Rome 24
Falls Church 23
Washington 23
Toronto 22
Dong Ket 20
Orange 20
New York 18
Jinan 16
Kunming 16
Guangzhou 15
Taizhou 15
Brno 14
Ferrara di Monte Baldo 14
Padova 14
Philadelphia 14
San Mateo 14
Chicago 13
Phoenix 13
Frankfurt am Main 12
Silea 12
Falkenstein 11
Hangzhou 11
Naples 11
Vienna 11
Lappeenranta 10
Siena 10
Tappahannock 10
Auburn Hills 9
Des Moines 9
Edinburgh 9
Hong Kong 9
Taipei 9
Verona 9
Addison 8
Florence 7
Kilburn 7
Genoa 6
Gurgaon 6
Lanzhou 6
Las Vegas 6
Melbourne 6
Modena 6
Murcia 6
North Bergen 6
Ottawa 6
Porto 6
Buenos Aires 5
Chiswick 5
Council Bluffs 5
Dearborn 5
Indiana 5
Lisbon 5
Madrid 5
Messina 5
Nuremberg 5
Nürnberg 5
Redmond 5
Santiago 5
Tel Aviv 5
Trento 5
Totale 11.420
Nome #
Effects on immunity of exposure to microplastics in adult zebrafish 296
Quantitative abilities in a reptile (Podarcis sicula) 225
La popolazione di testuggine di Hermann (Testudo hermanni) del Bosco della Mesola. 198
Demographic history and adaptation account for clock gene diversity in humans 177
Evolution shapes the responsiveness of the D-box enhancer element to light and reactive oxygen species in vertebrates 169
Circadian gene expression in peripheral blood of Bos taurus under different experimental condition 154
A sky polarization compass in lizards: the central role of the parietal eye 150
The weather dictates the rhythms: Alpine chamois activity is well adapted to ecological conditions 148
The reptilian clock system: circadian clock, extraretinal photoreception and clock-dependent celestial compass orientation mechanisms in reptiles 145
Relaxed selective constraints drove functional modifications in peripheral photoreception of the cavefish P. andruzzii and provide insight into the time of cave colonization 143
Chronic sleep deprivation markedly reduces coagulation factor VII expression 141
Evidence for circadian rhythms in human trophoblast cell line that persist in hypoxia 134
Circadian variation of cell proliferation in HTR-8/SVneo cell line 134
Circadian clock and oxidative Stress: functional cross-talk in skin homeostasis 134
An analysis of intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting the activity of a nocturnal species: The wild boar 133
Light and feeding entrainment of the molecular circadian clock in a marine teleost (Sparus aurata) 131
Circadian clocks regulate adenylyl cyclase activity rhythms in human RPE cells 130
The Light Wavelength Affects the Ontogeny of Clock Gene Expression and Activity Rhythms in Zebrafish Larvae 130
The lizard celestial compass detects linearly polarized light in the blue 130
Circadian rhythms in mouse blood coagulation 125
Daily rhythms of the expression of key genes involved in steroidogenesis and gonadal function in zebrafish 124
The Antarctic krill Euphausia superba shows diurnal cycles of transcription under natural conditions 123
Functional characterization of the circadian clock in the Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba 123
Circadian expression of the clock gene Per2 is altered in the ruin lizard (Podarcis sicula) when temperature changes 123
Influence of temperature on the liver circadian clock in the ruin lizard Podarcis sicula 122
Influence of exposure in ovo to different light wavelengths on the lateralization of social response in zebrafish larvae 122
Temporal variations of coagulation factor VII activity in mice are influenced by lighting regime 121
Hypothermia modulates circadian clock gene expression in lizard peripheral tissues 121
A Blind Circadian Clock in Cavefish Reveals that Opsins Mediate Peripheral Clock Photoreception 121
The circadian system of ruin lizards: a seasonally changing neuroendocrine loop? 121
Cavefish eye loss in response to an early block in retinal differentiation progression 120
Non-visual numerical discrimination in a blind cavefish (Phreatichthys andruzzii) 118
Daily and circadian rhythms of tissue factor pathway inhibitor and factor VII activity 116
Seasonal variations in daily rhythms of activity in athletic horses 115
Fly cryptochrome and the visual system 115
Encephalic photoreception and phototactic response in the troglobiont Somalian blind cavefish Phreatichthys andruzzii 114
Orientation of lizards in a Morris water-maze: roles of the sun compass and the parietal eye 114
Regressive evolution in Somalian Cavefish Phreatichthys andruzzii : loss of selective constraint on opsin genes 114
Daily and circadian rhythms of neurotransmitters and related compounds in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nuclei of a diurnal vertebrate 113
Isolation and characterization of melanopsin and pinopsin expression within photoreceptive sites of reptiles 113
Influence of fasting and exercise on the daily rhythm of serum leptin in the horse 112
Circannual variations of lizard circadian activity rhythms in constant darkness 112
The opsin repertoire of the Antarctic krill Euphausia superba 112
Circadian intraocular pressure rhythms in athletic horses under different lighting regime 110
Evidence for an overlapping role of clock and npas2 transcription factors in liver circadian oscillators 110
Mitochondrial dna variation and divergence in three Hermann's tortoise (Testudo hermanni) populations 109
Daily rhythms of serum leptin in ewes: effects of feeding, pregnancy and lactation 108
Daily variations of serum lipids in Ovis aries under different lighting and feeding conditions 108
Modulation of DNA Repair Systems in Blind Cavefish during Evolution in Constant Darkness 108
Mutations in blind cavefish target the light-regulated circadian clock gene, period 2 108
Toward a seasonal model of the circadian system: the case of Ruin lizards 108
Systematic sequencing of mRNA from the Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) and first tissue specific transcriptional signature 107
Photoperiod affects amplitude but not duration of in vitro melatonin production in the ruin lizard (Podarcis sicula) 107
Circadian Rhythms of Embryonic Development and Hatching in Fish: A Comparative Study of Zebrafish (Diurnal), Senegalese Sole (Nocturnal), and Somalian Cavefish (Blind) 106
Seasonal variation of activity patterns in roe deer in a temperate forested area 106
Cryptochrome expression in the eye of migratory birds depends on their migratory status 106
Circadian clock as possible protective mechanism to pollution induced keratinocytes damage 106
Electrolytic lesions to the optic chiasm affect circadian locomotor rhythms in lizards 105
Extraocular photoreception and circadian entrainment in non-mammalian vertebrates 105
Identification of circadian brain photoreceptors mediating photic entrainment of behavioural rhythms in lizards 105
Clotting profiles in newborn Maltese kids during the first week of life 104
Pineal transplantation to the brain of pinealectomized lizards: Effects of circadian rhythms of locomotor activity 103
The circadian system of reptiles: a multioscillatory and multiphotoreceptive system 103
Effects of restricted feeding on circadian activity rhythms of sheep. A brief report 102
Seasonality and role of SCN in entrainment of lizard circadian rhythms to daily melatonin injections 101
Circadian organization in the ruin lizard Podarcis sicula: the role of the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus 100
Monitoring of total locomotor activity in mares during the prepartum and postpartum period 99
Circadian organization in ruin lizards: phase response curve for melatonin changes with season 97
Seasonal variations in circadian rhythms of plasma melatonin in ruin lizards 96
Is nocturnal activity compensatory in chamois? A study of activity in a cathemeral ungulate 96
Microplastics induce transcriptional changes, immune response and behavioral alterations in adult zebrafish 96
Quantity Discrimination in Trained Lizards (Podarcis sicula) 94
Temperature Cycles Induce a Bimodal Activity Pattern in Ruin Lizards: Masking or Clock-Controlled Event? A Seasonal Problem 88
Extra-Visual Systems in the Spatial Reorientation of Cavefish 88
Molecular evolution of light-dependent DNA repair mechanism in the cavefish Phreatichthys andruzzii 87
Capture effects in wild boar: a multifaceted behavioural investigation 87
null 87
Studying the Evolution of the Vertebrate Circadian Clock: The Power of Fish as Comparative Models 83
Normalization of disrupted clock gene expression in males with tetraplegia: a crossover randomized placebo-controlled trial of melatonin supplementation 83
Daily and circadian rhythms of rest and activity of Talpa romana Thomas (Mammalia, Insectivora: Talpidae). Preliminary results 82
A cry from the krill 80
Molecular circadian clock in the Antarctic krill Euphausia superba 78
Orologio circadiano dell’orata (Sparus aurata): effetti della luce e dell’alimentazione sui ritmi di attività locomotoria 78
Feeding Entrainment of the Zebrafish Circadian Clock Is Regulated by the Glucocorticoid Receptor 78
Geni orologio e oscillatori circadiani periferici nel lacertide Podarcis sicula 77
Changes in gas composition and acid-base values of venous blood samples stored at different temperatures in four domestic species 77
Cryptochromes and the visual complex in the Antarctic krill Euphausia superba [Programma Nazionale Ricerche in Antartide - Bando 2013] 76
Guppies show rapid and lasting inhibition of foraging behaviour 76
Acid-base balance modifications in the lamb and kid during the first week of life 75
Pinealectomy, pineal transplant, melatonin implant in the same individual lizards Podarcis sicula: sequential effects on circadian rhythms of locomotor activity. 74
Alarm cue-mediated response and learning in zebrafish larvae 74
Seasonal variations of pineal involvement in the circadian organization of the ruin lizard Podarcis sicula 72
Daily rhythm of salivary and serum urea concentrations in sheep 71
Biological clock evolution in the darkness: the cavefish model 71
Brain opsins antisense constructs prevent entrainment of locomotor rhythms in pinealectomized-retinectomized lizards. 70
Behavioral rhythms in lizards: successful entrainment of circadian locomotor activity to daily melatonin injections depends on season and the presence of at least one SCN 69
null 69
Totale 11.181
Categoria #
all - tutte 88.372
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 3.168
Totale 91.540

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.055 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 309 234 304 148 60
2020/20212.348 184 193 105 231 57 286 174 293 76 348 249 152
2021/20221.735 149 194 127 50 52 83 81 87 72 148 189 503
2022/20231.898 217 23 65 152 508 263 63 167 240 17 120 63
2023/20241.052 113 135 55 36 94 113 35 24 17 52 47 331
2024/20252.207 125 244 454 121 660 448 119 36 0 0 0 0
Totale 16.280