The main aim of this PhD thesis is to develop and validate a methodology that allows to understand the integral functioning of the estuaries, and to characterize the estuarine subsystems and their connectivity. Different specific objectives have been proposed, and a particular methodology has been developed to achieve each of them. The first one consists in a historical observation and analysis of the state of the three study sites to understand which processes have occurred on them in the last years. To do that, a hierarchical classification representing estuarine eco-geomorphological features relevant to estuarine dynamics and functioning has been proposed to unify and standardize the terms when mapping these types of environments. After that, a 30-year time series of high resolution maps has been developed, analysing the changes in feature surfaces by means of Geographic Information System (GIS). The results explain the changes with time on each of the study sites at a long-term scale. Besides, a common general behaviour to all transitional systems, as well as the relationships among main subsystems (namely shoreline sandy environments, dunes, tidal flats and drainage network) and processes inherent to each one have been described. Through this methodology, it is demonstrated how beaches and dunes serve as protective barriers for the tidal flats, acting as sediment buffer for the entire system. Besides, the subsystems are connected by the drainage network, responsible for the exchange of matter and energy in between them. These results add an important perspective towards a general understanding of the dependence of the main estuarine features on intrinsic and boundary conditions. Based on results from the previous specific objective, the second specific objective is to evaluate the most relevant natural processes and the anthropogenic influence on their functioning to understand what is happening within the estuary. For that, San Vicente de la Barquera estuary has been selected as test site, due to the quality and amount of available information for this site. Specifically, saltmarshes in San Vicente de la Barquera estuary have been studied in detail as they have been previously identified as the most changed features within the estuary. To achieve this specific objective, saltmarsh evolution has been studied in a spatial context by means of detailed maps of change in vegetation cover combined with topographic data, to identify patterns of change. The results support the evidences of saltmarsh disappearing in this estuary. Despite no clear pattern of vegetation loss/gain in relation to elevation has been identified over the entire study period, indications of physical stress within the saltmarsh linked to self-organized process are described. In addition, regional and local factors have been studied to identify possible causes of saltmarsh deterioration. With this methodology it is demonstrated the importance of both natural forcing factors and human interventions when describing saltmarshes evolution and future trends. The last two specific objectives proposed are to define a set of variables to characterize all the above described processes in a simple manner and suitable to other estuarine zones, and to design and validate with them an environmental characterization index for estuaries (EstuarIndex). This final part of the PhD thesis pretends to answer the question of what is going to happen in each of the study zones as well as what needs to be done to develop a comprehensive methodology for estuarine management in Spain. For that purpose, different variables have been proposed to evaluate t
L'obiettivo principale di questa tesi di dottorato è quello di sviluppare e convalidare una metodologia che permetta di comprendere il funzionamento degli estuari da una prospettiva integrata, nonché di caratterizzare i sottosistemi che li compongono e la loro interconnettività. Per raggiungere questo scopo sono stati proposti diversi obiettivi specifici, per i quali è stata sviluppata una metodologia peculiare. In primo luogo, effettuare un’analisi storica e delle condizioni delle tre aree di studio per comprenderne l’evoluzione durante ultimi anni. A tal fine è stato preparato un insieme di mappe ad alta risoluzione spaziale e temporale (30 anni) attraverso l’uso dei Sistemi Informativi Geografici, che ha permesso di analizzare le variazioni delle superfici occupate di ciascuna delle morfologie mappate. Al fine di unificare e standardizzare le informazioni da un punto di vista cartografico, è stata inizialmente proposta una classificazione gerarchica che comprendeva le eco-geomorfologie rilevanti per comprenderele dinamiche e il funzionamento degli estuari. I risultati ottenuti hanno messo in evidenza i cambiamenti a lungo termine di ciascuno degli estuari selezionati. Ciò ha permesso di descrivere un comportamento comune a tutti i sistemi di transizione, le relazioni tra i principali sottosistemi (cioè gli ambienti sabbiosi costieri, le dune, le pianure di marea e la rete di canali), così come i processi inerenti a ciascuno di essi. Attraverso questa metodologia è stato dimostrato come le spiagge e le dune fungano da barriera protettiva per le piane tidali, oltre che da serbatoio di sedimenti per l'intero sistema. Inoltre, questi sottosistemi sono collegati attraverso la rete di canali che è responsabile dello scambio di materia ed energia in tutto il sistema. Questi risultati aggiungono una prospettiva importante che conducono ad una comprensione generale dei fattori interni ed esterni, dai quali dipendono le principali morfologie dell'estuario. Sulla base di questi risultati, la valutazione dei processi naturali più rilevanti, così come l'influenza antropogenica sul loro funzionamento è stata proposta come secondo obiettivo specifico della tesi, al fine di capire l’attuale evoluzione nell'estuario. A questo scopo, l'estuario di San Vicente de la Barquera è stato scelto come area di sperimentazione della metodologia, grazie alla qualità e alla quantità dei dati disponibili per questa zona di studio. In particolare, per raggiungere questo specifico obiettivo, è stata studiata nei dettagli l'evoluzione delle paludi di questo estuario, in quanto sono state identificate come l’ecosistema che ha subito i maggiori cambiamenti negli ultimi decenni. In particolare, sono state sviluppate mappe dettagliate relative ai cambiamenti della vegetazione e successivamente combinate con dati topografici per identificare dei trend morfologici. I risultati dimostrano che le paludi stanno scomparendo. Inoltre, sebbene non sia stato individuato alcun chiaro andamento positivo o negativo della vegetazione in relazione all'altitudine del terreno durante tutto il periodo di studio, sono state descritte indicazioni di stress fisico nelle paludi legate ai processi di auto-organizzazione della palude. Sono stati studiati anche fattori regionali e locali nel tentativo di individuare le possibili cause del degrado delle paludi. Questa metodologia ha dimostrato quantoi fattori naturali che degli interventi umani influenzano il funzionamento e l'evoluzione di queste particolari morfologie. Infine, a partire da questi due obiettivi più specifici, è stato possibile definire un insieme di variabili che permettessero di caratterizzare tutti i pro
Geomorphological and Environmental Characterization of Three Estuaries on the Spanish Coast
The main aim of this PhD thesis is to develop and validate a methodology that allows to understand the integral functioning of the estuaries, and to characterize the estuarine subsystems and their connectivity. Different specific objectives have been proposed, and a particular methodology has been developed to achieve each of them. The first one consists in a historical observation and analysis of the state of the three study sites to understand which processes have occurred on them in the last years. To do that, a hierarchical classification representing estuarine eco-geomorphological features relevant to estuarine dynamics and functioning has been proposed to unify and standardize the terms when mapping these types of environments. After that, a 30-year time series of high resolution maps has been developed, analysing the changes in feature surfaces by means of Geographic Information System (GIS). The results explain the changes with time on each of the study sites at a long-term scale. Besides, a common general behaviour to all transitional systems, as well as the relationships among main subsystems (namely shoreline sandy environments, dunes, tidal flats and drainage network) and processes inherent to each one have been described. Through this methodology, it is demonstrated how beaches and dunes serve as protective barriers for the tidal flats, acting as sediment buffer for the entire system. Besides, the subsystems are connected by the drainage network, responsible for the exchange of matter and energy in between them. These results add an important perspective towards a general understanding of the dependence of the main estuarine features on intrinsic and boundary conditions. Based on results from the previous specific objective, the second specific objective is to evaluate the most relevant natural processes and the anthropogenic influence on their functioning to understand what is happening within the estuary. For that, San Vicente de la Barquera estuary has been selected as test site, due to the quality and amount of available information for this site. Specifically, saltmarshes in San Vicente de la Barquera estuary have been studied in detail as they have been previously identified as the most changed features within the estuary. To achieve this specific objective, saltmarsh evolution has been studied in a spatial context by means of detailed maps of change in vegetation cover combined with topographic data, to identify patterns of change. The results support the evidences of saltmarsh disappearing in this estuary. Despite no clear pattern of vegetation loss/gain in relation to elevation has been identified over the entire study period, indications of physical stress within the saltmarsh linked to self-organized process are described. In addition, regional and local factors have been studied to identify possible causes of saltmarsh deterioration. With this methodology it is demonstrated the importance of both natural forcing factors and human interventions when describing saltmarshes evolution and future trends. The last two specific objectives proposed are to define a set of variables to characterize all the above described processes in a simple manner and suitable to other estuarine zones, and to design and validate with them an environmental characterization index for estuaries (EstuarIndex). This final part of the PhD thesis pretends to answer the question of what is going to happen in each of the study zones as well as what needs to be done to develop a comprehensive methodology for estuarine management in Spain. For that purpose, different variables have been proposed to evaluate tFile | Dimensione | Formato | |
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Descrizione: PhD_MariaAranda
Tesi di dottorato
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