The research project developed during the period 2014-2016 and its purpose is the improvement of information and knowledge of identifying nutrient profiles of different fish species. We use an approach that combines chemical and genetic-molecular analysis. The aim of the work was to translate all data of research into useful information for inclusion in a public database: ITTIOBASE. This project is a collaboration between the Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Ferrara and the Istitute Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie - CSI Adria. The first part of research has been facing a preliminary study of the most representative species of the Italian fisheries and aquaculture. Information on the fish species was collected from local market and we founded 13 different species of fish. For each species, we used ten animals to be analyzed; each specimen was morphologically identified, classified and photographed. The second part of the project involved the genetic analysis. We analyzed 118 samples. Molecular analyzes provided three steps: (1) extraction of nucleic acids from muscle tissue samples, (2) the quantification of DNA (ng/µL) and (3) amplification with PCR end-point. The Cytochrome Oxidase First (COI) is gene target for Barcoding analysis. Sequences were used in studying genetic variability; we observe how this parameter could be present in a highly conserved gene as the cytochrome oxidase I. A clear variability can be noticed in some different species, the one with greater variability was the Sardina pilchardus; followed by frigate Auxis rochei and Lepidopus caudatus. In agreement with other published studies we can highlight absence of variability in the Thunnus thynnus. This lack of variability of a mitochondrial gene leads to the difficulty of the technique barcoding going to correctly identify the species of the genus Thunnus. In the third part of the project, chemical analysis were performed on frozen muscle tissue to assess the lipid profile of the different species. The results are very interesting: in many species such as Sardina pilchardus, Auxis rochei, Thunnus alalunga and Scomber scombrus, the DHA is included in a range between 19% and 22%. It is in agreement with the results of many studies than include these categories of fish in the diet for proper intake of omega-3. Another interesting and not expected data is the high content (range between 2% and 8%) of linolenic acid. This is the precursor of EPA and DHA, in the fresh water species such as Telestes muticellus, Alosa fallax lacustris and Thymallus thymallus. This suggests a greater enhancement of these fish species in the diet, through an increasing information to the final consumer. The PCA analysis of the main components show the formation of well-defined and characteristic clusters for each species. For some species such as Thymallus thymallus, Scomber scombrus and Sardina pilchardus, the clusters are well defined and compact, for other species like Thunnus thynnus, the cluster becomes more widely distributed; this can be linked to the presence of different distribution areas of fishing and otherwise homogeneous size for some species. In the fourth part of the project, the samples of pelagic species are been analyzed in a preliminary study. Scomber scombrus, Thunnus alalunga, Thunnus thynnus, Auxis rochei, belonging to the family Scombridae, are used in techniques of stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen. The aim was to study how the combination of fatty acid profiles and isotopic measurements could be a new tool for tracking and characterization of these species. In fact the integrated analytical approach, in this work, showed good discrimination of species and a spatial geographic separation in the two largest predators Thunnus alalunga and Thunnus thynnus. All information, derived from different techniques, were included in ITTIOBASE database.
Lo scopo del progetto di ricerca, sviluppato durante il triennio 2014-2016, è il miglioramento delle conoscenze dei profili nutrizionali identificativi di diverse specie ittiche, con un approccio che combina conoscenze nell’ambito delle analisi chimiche e del campo genetico-molecolare. L’obiettivo del lavoro è stato tradurre tutti i dati raccolti dalle analisi in informazioni utili in un database pubblico chiamato Ittiobase. Lo studio nasce dalla collaborazione tra il Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Farmaceutiche dell’Università di Ferrara e l’Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie – CSI di Adria. La prima parte della ricerca è stato lo studio preliminare delle specie ittiche più rappresentative della pesca e dell’acquacoltura italiana. Sono state raccolte informazioni sulle specie, maggiormente commercializzate e presenti sul mercato nazionale e sono state reperite 13 specie ittiche. Per ogni specie, sono stati campionati una decina di soggetti; ogni esemplare è stato identificato morfologicamente, classificato e fotografato. La seconda parte ha previsto l’analisi genetica delle specie campionate. Sono stati analizzati 118 campioni. Le analisi molecolari hanno previsto tre passaggi: 1) estrazione degli acidi nucleici dai tessuti muscolari, 2) quantificazione del DNA (ng/µL), 3) amplificazione del DNA, utilizzando una metodica di PCR end-point. Il Citocromo Ossidasi Primo (COI) è il gene di elezione per analisi di Barcoding. L’identità (genere e specie) per ciascun campione, riscontrata con le analisi biomolecolari, ha confermato i risultati preliminari dell’identificazione morfologica. Sulle sequenze ottenute è stata osservata una discreta variabilità delle diverse specie, la specie con maggiore variabilità è stata la Sardina; a seguire il Tombarello ed il Pesce sciabola. Con assenza di variabilità è il Tonno rosso, ma ciò conferma i dati presenti anche in altri lavori. Nella terza parte le analisi chimiche sono state eseguite su matrici di tessuto muscolare congelato per valutare il profilo lipidico delle diverse specie. Sono stati valutati e confrontati i profili ottenuti, evidenziando possibili differenze quali-quantitative tra le diverse specie. I risultati sono stati molto interessanti, in molte specie come Sardina, tonno Alalunga, Sgombro e Tombarello il DHA ha un range tra il 19% ed il 22% confermando i risultati di diversi studi di inserire queste categorie di pesce nella dieta per un corretto apporto di omega-3. Dato altrettanto interessante e non atteso è stato l’alto contenuto (range tra il 2% ed 8%) dell’acido linolenico, nelle specie d’acqua dolce come Temolo, Vairone ed Agone; ciò suggerisce una maggiore valorizzazione di queste specie ittiche all’interno della dieta del consumatore finale. Nell’analisi delle componenti principali (PCA) si osserva in generale la formazione di cluster ben definiti e caratterizzanti per ciascuna specie come per esempio Temolo, Sgombro e Sardina. Per altre specie come Tonno rosso il cluster diventa più ampiamente distribuito; ciò può essere legato alla presenza di diversi areali di pesca ed alla taglia diversamente omogenea per alcune specie. Nella quarta parte è stato previsto uno studio preliminare dei campioni, già analizzati chimicamente e geneticamente, di alcune specie pelagiche come Scombro, tonno Alalunga, Tonno rosso e Tombarello, utilizzando gli isotopi stabili del carbonio e dell’azoto. L’obiettivo è stato di studiare come la combinazione tra profili degli acidi grassi e misurazioni isotopiche potessero essere un nuovo strumento per la tracciabilità e caratterizzazione di queste specie. Il Barcoding non riesce ad essere discriminante per il genere Thunnus mentre l'approccio analitico integrato, ha mostrato una buona discriminazione delle specie e una separazione geografica spaziale dei due predatori Alalunga e Tonno rosso
TOSI, Federica
The research project developed during the period 2014-2016 and its purpose is the improvement of information and knowledge of identifying nutrient profiles of different fish species. We use an approach that combines chemical and genetic-molecular analysis. The aim of the work was to translate all data of research into useful information for inclusion in a public database: ITTIOBASE. This project is a collaboration between the Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Ferrara and the Istitute Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie - CSI Adria. The first part of research has been facing a preliminary study of the most representative species of the Italian fisheries and aquaculture. Information on the fish species was collected from local market and we founded 13 different species of fish. For each species, we used ten animals to be analyzed; each specimen was morphologically identified, classified and photographed. The second part of the project involved the genetic analysis. We analyzed 118 samples. Molecular analyzes provided three steps: (1) extraction of nucleic acids from muscle tissue samples, (2) the quantification of DNA (ng/µL) and (3) amplification with PCR end-point. The Cytochrome Oxidase First (COI) is gene target for Barcoding analysis. Sequences were used in studying genetic variability; we observe how this parameter could be present in a highly conserved gene as the cytochrome oxidase I. A clear variability can be noticed in some different species, the one with greater variability was the Sardina pilchardus; followed by frigate Auxis rochei and Lepidopus caudatus. In agreement with other published studies we can highlight absence of variability in the Thunnus thynnus. This lack of variability of a mitochondrial gene leads to the difficulty of the technique barcoding going to correctly identify the species of the genus Thunnus. In the third part of the project, chemical analysis were performed on frozen muscle tissue to assess the lipid profile of the different species. The results are very interesting: in many species such as Sardina pilchardus, Auxis rochei, Thunnus alalunga and Scomber scombrus, the DHA is included in a range between 19% and 22%. It is in agreement with the results of many studies than include these categories of fish in the diet for proper intake of omega-3. Another interesting and not expected data is the high content (range between 2% and 8%) of linolenic acid. This is the precursor of EPA and DHA, in the fresh water species such as Telestes muticellus, Alosa fallax lacustris and Thymallus thymallus. This suggests a greater enhancement of these fish species in the diet, through an increasing information to the final consumer. The PCA analysis of the main components show the formation of well-defined and characteristic clusters for each species. For some species such as Thymallus thymallus, Scomber scombrus and Sardina pilchardus, the clusters are well defined and compact, for other species like Thunnus thynnus, the cluster becomes more widely distributed; this can be linked to the presence of different distribution areas of fishing and otherwise homogeneous size for some species. In the fourth part of the project, the samples of pelagic species are been analyzed in a preliminary study. Scomber scombrus, Thunnus alalunga, Thunnus thynnus, Auxis rochei, belonging to the family Scombridae, are used in techniques of stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen. The aim was to study how the combination of fatty acid profiles and isotopic measurements could be a new tool for tracking and characterization of these species. In fact the integrated analytical approach, in this work, showed good discrimination of species and a spatial geographic separation in the two largest predators Thunnus alalunga and Thunnus thynnus. All information, derived from different techniques, were included in ITTIOBASE database.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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