The archaeological campaign at Fondel de Pra’ Comun (Passo Giau, San Vito di Cadore, BL) was carried out between the 16th and 29th July 2020. Research was undertaken at rock-shelter 1 (FPC1) protected by a rock boulder, which was the object of a previous test-pit in 2019. The excavated surface corresponds to squares K-N 14-18 and O-P 15-16 with sides of 50X50 cm and extends over a surface of 6 sqm. By removing SU 1 (litter) SSUU 2 (limy sediment dark brown-blackish with reddish spots) and 3 (with abundant dolomite clasts) were identified and excavated over most investigated area. These layers are referred to the Medieval period as indicated by the abundant presence of pottery with comb decoration. In sq. L18 a charcoal lens (US 6) was identified and interpreted and a fireplace while in the external area of the shelter SSUU 7 and 8 (Medieval period) were excavated, the latter being a surface thermally altered. Following the excavation of these layers the interface of SU 4 was identified (although some strips of sediments in squares O16, N18, N17 and M18 are probably to be attributed to SU 3). SU 4 was investigated in squares M15-16, M17 (c-d), N16 and partially N14(b-c) N17 (c-d). It has yielded a lithic assemblage dated to the Early Mesolithic (Sauveterrian), along with faunal remains mostly thermally altered, and some ornamental items. The upper portion of this layer was polluted by finds of more recent age (some lead slags and a roman coin dated to the IV century AD). At the end of the field campaign a possible pit was identified in sq. M15-16, M17c-d and N15 (test-pit explored in 2019), the sides of which were cut into SU 5 (limy-sandy sediment of brown colour with abundant dolomite clasts).
Le ricerche archeologiche dell’anno 2020 nell’area di Fondel de Pra’ Comun (Passo Giau, San Vito di Cadore, BL) si sono svolte dal 16 al 29 luglio. Queste hanno interessato il riparo 1 (FPC1) formato dalle pareti aggettanti di un masso calcareo, già oggetto di un saggio stratigrafico nel 2019. L’area di scavo 2020 ha riguardato i quadrati (di 50X50 cm di lato) K-N 14-18 e O-P 15-16, per un totale di 6 m2. Sulla maggior parte dell’area indagata sotto a US 1 (lettiera), sono state individuate e scavate le UUSS 2 (sedimento limoso di colore bruno scuro-nerastro con chiazze rossastre) e 3 (pietrisco di dolomia dominante), corrispondenti a fasi d’occupazione medievale (presenza di ceramica pettinata). Nel quadrato L18 è stata, invece, individuata una lente carboniosa (US 6) interpretata come un focolare e nei quadrati localizzati nella porzione esterna del riparo, le UUSS 7 e 8, anch’esse riconducibili ad occupazioni medievali. In particolare, l’ultima corrisponde ad una superficie alterata termicamente. A seguito dell’asportazione di questi livelli si è raggiunto il tetto di US 4 sull’intera superficie di scavo (rimangono dei dubbi per i quadrati M18, N17-18, e O16, dove probabilmente US 3 è ancora presente). US 4, indagata nei qq. M15-16, M17 (c-d), N16 e parzialmente N14(b-c) N17 (c-d), ha restituito un’industria litica databile al Mesolitico antico (Sauveterriano), resti di fauna perlopiù combusta e alcuni elementi ornamentali. Nella porzione superiore sono stati identificati inquinamenti di materiale di epoche più recenti (scorie di piombo ed una moneta romana di IV sec). A fine scavo, nei qq. M15-16, M17c-d e N15 (sondaggio 2019), si è configurata una depressione, le cui sponde risultavano ricavate a spese di US 5 (matrice limo-sabbiosa di colore bruno con abbondanti clasti di dolomia).
Passo Giau-Pra' Comun (San Vito di Cadore, Belluno)
Federica Fontana
;Davide Visentin;
The archaeological campaign at Fondel de Pra’ Comun (Passo Giau, San Vito di Cadore, BL) was carried out between the 16th and 29th July 2020. Research was undertaken at rock-shelter 1 (FPC1) protected by a rock boulder, which was the object of a previous test-pit in 2019. The excavated surface corresponds to squares K-N 14-18 and O-P 15-16 with sides of 50X50 cm and extends over a surface of 6 sqm. By removing SU 1 (litter) SSUU 2 (limy sediment dark brown-blackish with reddish spots) and 3 (with abundant dolomite clasts) were identified and excavated over most investigated area. These layers are referred to the Medieval period as indicated by the abundant presence of pottery with comb decoration. In sq. L18 a charcoal lens (US 6) was identified and interpreted and a fireplace while in the external area of the shelter SSUU 7 and 8 (Medieval period) were excavated, the latter being a surface thermally altered. Following the excavation of these layers the interface of SU 4 was identified (although some strips of sediments in squares O16, N18, N17 and M18 are probably to be attributed to SU 3). SU 4 was investigated in squares M15-16, M17 (c-d), N16 and partially N14(b-c) N17 (c-d). It has yielded a lithic assemblage dated to the Early Mesolithic (Sauveterrian), along with faunal remains mostly thermally altered, and some ornamental items. The upper portion of this layer was polluted by finds of more recent age (some lead slags and a roman coin dated to the IV century AD). At the end of the field campaign a possible pit was identified in sq. M15-16, M17c-d and N15 (test-pit explored in 2019), the sides of which were cut into SU 5 (limy-sandy sediment of brown colour with abundant dolomite clasts).I documenti in SFERA sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.