Encyclopedia platform is an online reference created and curated by active scholars. It aims to highlight the latest research results as well as provide benchmark information for researchers and the general public interested in accurate and advanced knowledge on specific topics. Our Mission To record and spread knowledge without any restrictions to help researchers find what they need quickly and accurately. Our Scope All aspects of natural sciences and social sciences. Entry Sources Review papers can be quoted and adapted to suit the purposes of the platform; The Introduction sections of original research articles can also be used to create entries; Completely new, original entries can be created on topics on which you have knowledge and expertise. Content can be both submitted for publication in an MDPI journal and simultaneously used to create one or more entries on the Encyclopedia platform. Researchers can also create entries ahead of journal publication. All contents published in Encyclopedia are labeled as Open-Access and licensed using a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) license.

Advisory Board Member of the MDPI "Encyclopedia.pub" initiative

Di Gregorio R


Encyclopedia platform is an online reference created and curated by active scholars. It aims to highlight the latest research results as well as provide benchmark information for researchers and the general public interested in accurate and advanced knowledge on specific topics. Our Mission To record and spread knowledge without any restrictions to help researchers find what they need quickly and accurately. Our Scope All aspects of natural sciences and social sciences. Entry Sources Review papers can be quoted and adapted to suit the purposes of the platform; The Introduction sections of original research articles can also be used to create entries; Completely new, original entries can be created on topics on which you have knowledge and expertise. Content can be both submitted for publication in an MDPI journal and simultaneously used to create one or more entries on the Encyclopedia platform. Researchers can also create entries ahead of journal publication. All contents published in Encyclopedia are labeled as Open-Access and licensed using a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) license.
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