Backround Periodontitis is characterized by an inflammatory destruction of the supporting apparatus of the teeth, including cementum, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. Periodontal osseous destruction can result in horizontal or vertical bony defects, depending on the direction and extent of the apical propagation of the subgingival plaque induced lesion. Periodontal vertical bony defects (infrabony defects) have been associated with a higher risk of periodontal progression and eventually tooth loss. Therefore, the presence of such vertical defects is considered to be an indication for periodontal treatment when combined with the presence of periodontal pockets. In the past, the treatment of vertical bony defects traditionally aimed at surgical elimination of the defect through ostectomy. More recently, these defects have been considered as suitable for periodontal regeneration. Minimally invasive surgical approaches have been developed recently and proposed for periodontal regeneration. It is demonstrated that the use of minimally invasive surgical approaches in the regenerative treatment of periodontal intraosseous defects may determine substantial improvements of the final clinical outcomes. A minimally invasive surgical procedure specifically designed for the regenerative treatment of the intraosseous periodontal defects was introduced from our group in 2007. This technique, known as Single Flap Approach (SFA), is characterized by the elevation of a single, muco-periosteal flap to access the intraosseous defect, leaving the interproximal tissues (i.e. interdental papilla) intact. The SFA represents a valuable reconstructive procedure per se and a pilot study indicated that the SFA is at least as clinically effective as the elevation of a flap at both buccal and oral aspects (Double Flap Approach, DFA). The aims of periodontal regeneration are the followings: (i) restoring the tooth-supporting apparatus lost due to periodontal disease (ii) decrease pocket depth (PD); and (iii) no/minimal, increase in gingival recession (REC). A plethora of different surgical techniques, used alone or in combination, have been employed aiming at achieveing predictable periodontal regeneration. Despite the wide research in the field of regenerative treatment of intrabony defects, to date is still mate of debate what surgery-related, biomaterial-related, defect-related and patient-related factors may have an impact on a predictable regenerative outcome. General Purpose To evaluate the clinical outcomes 6 months following surgical treatment of periodontal intraosseous defects with SFA in association with different biological agents (i.e. enamel matrix derivative (EMD), recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor–BB (rhPDGF-BB)) with or without scaffold materials. Specific Aims A. To evaluate the early postoperative healing of papillary incision wounds and its association with (i) technical (surgical) aspects as well as with (ii) 6-month clinical outcomes following buccal SFA in the treatment of intraosseous periodontal defects. B. To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of EMD either alone or in association with a deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) in the treatment of periodontal intraosseous defects accessed with the SFA, and identify defect/site characteristics that could play a role when establishing the most appropriate regenerative strategy to be combined with SFA. C. To evaluate the association of patient-related and site-specific factors, as well as the adopted treatment modality, with the change in buccal (bREC) and interdental (iREC) gingival recession observed at 6-months after treatment of periodontal intraosseous defects with the SFA. D. To compare the outcomes of a regenerative strategy based on rhPDGF-BB (0.3 mg/ml) and b-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) in the treatment of intraosseous defects accessed with the SFA versus DFA. Materials and Methods A. Forty-three intraosseous defects in 35 patients were accessed with a buccal SFA alone or in combination with a reconstructive technology (graft, EMD, DBBM + EMD, or DBBM + membrane). Postoperative healing was evaluated at 2 weeks using the Early Wound-Healing Index (EHI). B. Twenty-four patients were consecutively enrolled in a prospective cohort study (pragmatic trial). Twenty-four intraosseous defects were accessed with a buccal SFA and treated with EMD or EMD+DBBM according to the operator’ discretion. Clinical and radiographic parameters were assessed immediately before surgery and at 6 months post-surgery. C. Sixty-six patients contributing 74 intraosseous defects accessed with a buccal SFA and treated with different modalities were selected retrospectively. A two-level (patient and site) model was constructed, with the 6-month changes in bREC and iREC as the dependent variables. D. Fifteen and 13 defects, randomly assigned to SFA or DFA, respectively, were grafted with rhPDGF-BB + β-TCP. Probing parameters were assessed before and 6 months after surgery. Pain (VASpain) was self-reported using a visual analogue scale. Results A. EHI ranged from score 1 (i.e., complete flap closure and optimal healing) to score 4 (i.e., loss of primary closure and partial tissue necrosis). SFA resulted in a complete wound closure at 2 weeks in the great majority of sites. A significantly more frequent presence of interdental contact point and interdental soft tissue crater, and narrower base of the interdental papilla were observed at sites with either EHI >1 or EHI=4 compared to sites with EHI = 1. Although not statistically significant, an association between EHI and the 6-month clinical outcomes was observed. B. Treatment with EMD either alone or in association with DBBM resulted in a CAL gain and PPD reduction of 3.6 ± 1.5 mm and 5.0 ± 1.5, respectively. The interaction between the morphology of the intraosseous defect and the surgical treatment was statistically significant, with 1-wall and 3-wall component being more prevalent in EMD+DBBM and EMD groups, respectively. At 6 months no significant differences in clinical outcomes were observed between EMD and EMD+DBBM groups although the baseline characteristics of the defects were different between the two groups. C. Significant 6-month increases in bREC (-0.6 –0.7 mm) and iREC (-0.9 – 1.1 mm) were observed. bREC change was significantly predicted by presurgery interproximal PD and depth of osseous dehiscence at the buccal aspect. iREC change was significantly predicted by presurgery interproximal PD and the treatment modality, with defects treated with SFA in combination with a graft material and a bioactive agent being less prone to iREC increase compared to defects treated with SFA alone. D. Twelve SFA sites and DFA 6 sites showed complete flap closure at 2 weeks post-surgery. In the SFA group, the mean 6-month CAL gain was 4.0 mm, exceeding the mean improvements in CAL (3.2 mm) observed in the DFA group (although the difference did not reach statistical significance). No significant differences in 6-month changes in probing parameters and radiographic defect fill were found between groups. Significantly lower VASpain was observed in SFA group compared to DFA group at day +1, +2 and +6. A significantly greater number of analgesics were consumed in the DFA group compared to the SFA group at day +1. Conclusions The current results indicate that: i) SFA is a valuable surgical approach for reconstructive treatment of intraosseous periodontal defects; ii) At 2 weeks following surgery, buccal SFA resulted in predictable complete flap closure. Tooth type, presence of interdental contact point, interdental soft tissue crater and width of the interdental papilla seem to affect the early postoperative healing of the papillary incision. EHI seems to affect the 6-months clinical outcomes: EHI=1 sites showed bettare clinical results than sites with EHI>1; iii) EMD with or without DBBM is clinically effective in the treatment of periodontal intraosseous defects accessed with a buccal SFA. The adjunctive use of DBBM in predominantly 1-wall defects located at posterior teeth seems to compensate, at least in part, the unfavorable osseous characteristics on the outcomes of the procedure; iv) Deep intraosseous periodontal defects, accessed with the SFA can be effectively treated with careful debridement and root planing in combination with a composite graft of rhPDGF-BB (0.3 mg/ml) and β- TCP. SFA procedure shows a trend with better clinical results with compared with DFA; v) The surgical access performed in accordance with SFA principles results in better quality of early wound healing, lower pain and consumption of analgesics during the first postoperative days compared to the use of traditional papilla preservation techniques; vi) After buccal SFA, greater post-surgery increase in bREC must be expected for deep intraosseous defects associated with a buccal dehiscence. The combination of a graft material and a bioactive agent in adjunct to the SFA may limit the postoperative increase in iREC.

Introduzione La malattia parodontale è caratterizzata dalla distruzione, prevalentemente a carattere infiammatorio, dei tessuti di supporto del dente: cemento radicolare, legamento parodontale e osso alveolare. Proporzionalmente alla modalità di propagazione in senso apicale della lesione placca correlata, la distruzione ossea può esitare in difetti di tipo orizzontale o verticale. I difetti ossei verticali (o difetti intraossei) sono correlati ad un maggior rischio di progressione della malattia parodontale e, quindi, di perdita dentaria. La presenza di un difetto intraosseo associato a profondità di sondaggio patologiche è, quindi, un’indicazione vera e propria al trattamento parodontale. In passato, il trattamento dei difetti intraossei si proponeva l’eliminazione chirurgica del difetto attraverso l’osteoctomia. Ad oggi, il trattamento rigenerativo è da considerarsi la terapia di elezione. Procedure di accesso chirurgico minimamente invasive sono state recentemente proposte nel trattamento rigenerativo di difetti parodontali intraossei. Numerosi studi hanno dimostrato l’efficacia di tali procedure riportando significativi miglioramenti degli esiti clinici finali quando utilizzate. Una procedura chirurgica minimamente invasiva specificamente disegnata per il trattamento di difetti parodontali intraossei è stata introdotta dal nostro gruppo nel 2007. Questa tecnica, definita Single Flap Approach (SFA), prevede il sollevamento di un solo lembo mucoperiosteo di accesso al difetto intraosseo, mantenendo intatti i tessuti del versante opposto. Il SFA rappresenta una tecnica ricostruttiva affidabile anche quando utilizzata senza alcun trattamento aggiuntivo. Un recente studio ha evidenziato come il SFA sia almeno ugualmente efficace alla tecnica tradizionale di accesso chirurgico caratterizzata dal sollevamento di un doppio lembo, sul versante vestibolare ed orale (Double Flap Approach, DFA). Gli obiettivi della terapia parodontale rigenerativa sono: (i) ripristinare l’apparato di attacco dentale, la cui distruzione è un esito della malattia parodontale (ii) ridurre le profondità di sondaggio (PD) e (iii) determinare un minimo/nessun incremento della recessione gengivale (REC) dopo terapia. Differenti metodiche chirurgiche sono state utilizzate, da sole o in combinazione, per ottenere una rigenerazione parodontale predicibile. Ad oggi il ruolo di fattori quali il trattamento chirurgico, il biomateriale utilizzato, il paziente o il sito trattato sugli esiti finali della terapia rigenerativa sono ancora oggetto di discussione. Obiettivi Valutare gli esiti clinici 6 mesi post terapia rigenerativa di difetti parodontali intraossei trattati con SFA in associazione ad agenti biologici (derivati della matrice dello smalto, EMD o fattore di crescita umano ricombinante di derivazione piastrinica, rhPDGF-BB) e biomateriali. Obiettivi specifici A. Valutare la guarigione post operatoria precoce dell’incisione eseguita in corrispondenza della papilla interprossimale e le sue correlazioni con (i) gli aspetti tecnici (chirurgici) e (ii) i risultati clinici a 6 mesi dopo il trattamento rigenerativo di difetti parodontali intraossei. B. Valutare l’efficacia clinica dell’EMD, utilizzato da solo o in associazione a minerale osseo bovino deproteinato (DBBM), nel trattamento di difetti parodontali intraossei trattati con SFA vestibolare. Identificare quali caratteristiche correlate al sito o al difetto possano influenzare la scelta della terapia rigenerativa più appropriata da combinare al SFA. C. Valutare la correlazione di fattori paziente-specifici, sito-specifici e modalità di trattamento, con la variazione della recessione gengivale sul versante vestibolare (bREC) ed interprossimale (iREC) osservata 6 mesi dopo il trattamento di difetti parodontali intraossei con SFA vestibolare. D. Confrontare gli esiti clinici di una strategia rigenerativa basata sull’utilizzo di rhPDGF-BB (0.3 mg/ml) e beta- fosfato tricalcico (β-TCP) nel trattamento di difetti intraossei trattati con SFA versus DFA. Materiali & Metodi A. 43 difetti intraossei in 35 pazienti sono stati trattati con SFA senza tecnologie ricostruttive o SFA in combinazione a differenti tecnologie ricostruttive (EMD, EMD+DBBM, DBBM+membrana). Due settimane post chirurgia è stata valutata la guarigione dei tessuti molli usando l’Early Wound-Healing Index (EHI). B. 24 pazienti sono stati trattati consecutivamente nell’ambito di uno studio prospettico di coorte (studio pragmatico). 24 difetti intraossei sono stati trattati con SFA vestibolare in associazione a EMD o EMD+DBBM a discrezione del chirurgo. Immediatamente prima della chirurgia e 6 mesi post-chirurgia sono stati rilevati parametri clinici e radiografici. C. 74 difetti intraossei trattati con SFA vestibolare associato a differenti metodiche ricostruttive sono stati selezionati retrospettivamente. Un modello a due livelli (paziente e sito) è stato costruito identificando come variabili dipendenti le variazioni a 6 mesi di bREC ed iREC. D. 15 e 13 difetti intraossei, casualmente assegnati al trattamento SFA o DFA, sono stati trattati utilizzando la seguente combinazione: rhPDGF-BB + β-TCP. Immediatamente prima della chirurgia e 6 mesi post-chirurgia sono stati rilevati e annotati parametri clinici. Il dolore postoperatorio (VASpain) è stato, inoltre, riportato dal paziente utilizzando una scala visiva. Risultati A. I valori di EHI sono variati da 1 (completa chiusura dei lembi associata ad una guarigione ottimale) a 4 (mancanza di chiusura per prima intenzione e parziale necrosi dei tessuti interprossimali). A 2 settimane dalla chirurgia, il SFA è esitato in una chiusura completa dei lembi nella maggior parte dei siti trattati. La presenza di un punto di contatto interdentale, di un cratere interdentale ed di una ridotta base della papilla interprossimale sono stati identificati con maggiore frequenza nei siti con EHI>1 o EHI=4. Sebbene priva di significatività statistica, è stata riscontrata una correlazione positiva tra EHI ed esiti clinici a 6 mesi della procedura rigenerativa. B. I trattamenti con EMD e EMD+DBBM si sono dimostrati clinicamente efficaci nel trattamento di difetti intraossei trattati con SFA vestibolare. La morfologia dei difetti intraossei ed il trattamento chirurgico utilizzato sono risultati significativamente correlati: difetti costituiti da una componente ad 1 parete prevalente e difetti costituiti da una componente a 3 pareti prevalente sono risultati più frequentemente trattati con EMD+DBBM e EMD, rispettivamente. I risultati clinici 6 mesi post chirurgia non hanno identificato alcuna differenza significativa tra i due gruppi, nonostante le caratteristiche dei difetti al baseline fossero marcatamente differenti. C. Un significativo incremento di bREC (-0.6 –0.7 mm) e iREC (-0.9 – 1.1 mm) è stato riscontrato 6 mesi post chirurgia. La variazione di bREC è stata predetta dalla PD interprossimale pre chirugica e dalla profondità della deiscenza ossea vestibolare. La variazione di iREC è stata predetta dalla PD interprossimale pre chirugica e dalla modalità di trattamento. Difetti intraossei trattati con SFA in combinazione ad agenti biologici e biomateriali hanno dimostrato una minore tendenza all’incremento di iREC rispetto ai difetti trattati con solo SFA. D. 12 siti trattati con SFA e 6 siti trattati con DFA hanno mostrato una chiusura completa dei lembi 2 settimane post chirurgia. Nel gruppo SFA, il guadagno di attacco clinico (CAL) medio 6 mesi post chirurgia era 4.0 mm, superando (seppure in maniera non statisticamente significativa) il CAL medio osservato nel gruppo DFA (3.2 mm). Nessuna differenza statisticamente significativa è stata riscontrata tra i due gruppi in merito agli esiti clinici e radiografici della procedure rigenerativa 6 mesi post chirurgia. Significativi minori valori di VASpain sono stati registrati nel gruppo SFA rispetto al gruppo DFA al giorno +1, +2 e +6. Un consumo significativamente maggiore di analgesici è stato registrato nel gruppo DFA rispetto al gruppo SFA nel giorno +1. Conclusioni Sulla base dei risultati ottenuti possono essere dedotte le seguenti conclusioni: i) Il SFA è un approccio chirurgico efficace nel trattamento ricostruttivo di difetti intraossei parodontali; ii) Il SFA è una procedura in grado di determinare una predicibile chiusura per prima intenzione dei lembi, 2 settimane post chirurgia. Il tipo di dente, la presenza di un punto di contatto interdentale, la presenza di un cratere interdentale e l’ampiezza della papilla interdentale sembrano influenzare la guarigione post operatoria precoce della linea di incisione. Inoltre, l’EHI sembra essere positivamente correlato agli esiti clinici finali della procedura rigenerativa. 6 mesi post chirurgia, i siti con EHI=1 presentano risultati clinici migliori rispetto ai siti con EHI>1; iii) EMD in associazione o meno a DBBM si è dimostrato clinicamente efficace nel trattamento di difetti parodontali infraossei trattati con SFA vestibolare. L’utilizzo aggiuntivo di DBBM nei difetti prevalentemente ad una parete sembra compensare, almeno in parte, la morfologia sfavorevole del difetto in termini di risultati della procedura; iv) Difetti pardontali intraossei profondi possono essere efficacemente trattati con SFA in combinazione con rhPDGF-BB (0.3 mg/ml) e β- TCP. I siti trattati con SFA sembrano presentare risultati clinici migliori rispetto ai siti trattati con DFA; v) Quando confrontato alle metodiche tradizionali di preservazione della papilla, l’accesso chirurgico eseguito in accordo ai principi del SFA è in grado di esitare in una migliore guarigione precoce della ferita chirurgica, minore percezione del dolore e minore consumo di analgesici nei giorni immediatamente successivi la chirurgia. vi) Dopo SFA vestibolare, un maggiore incremento della bREC è atteso in difetti intraossei profondi associati a deiscenza vestibolare. La combinazione di SFA vestibolare con biomateriali ed agenti biologici sembra limitare l’incremento post-operatorio di iREC.

Simplified surgical procedures and bioactive agents in the regenerative treatment of periodontal intraosseous defects



Backround Periodontitis is characterized by an inflammatory destruction of the supporting apparatus of the teeth, including cementum, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. Periodontal osseous destruction can result in horizontal or vertical bony defects, depending on the direction and extent of the apical propagation of the subgingival plaque induced lesion. Periodontal vertical bony defects (infrabony defects) have been associated with a higher risk of periodontal progression and eventually tooth loss. Therefore, the presence of such vertical defects is considered to be an indication for periodontal treatment when combined with the presence of periodontal pockets. In the past, the treatment of vertical bony defects traditionally aimed at surgical elimination of the defect through ostectomy. More recently, these defects have been considered as suitable for periodontal regeneration. Minimally invasive surgical approaches have been developed recently and proposed for periodontal regeneration. It is demonstrated that the use of minimally invasive surgical approaches in the regenerative treatment of periodontal intraosseous defects may determine substantial improvements of the final clinical outcomes. A minimally invasive surgical procedure specifically designed for the regenerative treatment of the intraosseous periodontal defects was introduced from our group in 2007. This technique, known as Single Flap Approach (SFA), is characterized by the elevation of a single, muco-periosteal flap to access the intraosseous defect, leaving the interproximal tissues (i.e. interdental papilla) intact. The SFA represents a valuable reconstructive procedure per se and a pilot study indicated that the SFA is at least as clinically effective as the elevation of a flap at both buccal and oral aspects (Double Flap Approach, DFA). The aims of periodontal regeneration are the followings: (i) restoring the tooth-supporting apparatus lost due to periodontal disease (ii) decrease pocket depth (PD); and (iii) no/minimal, increase in gingival recession (REC). A plethora of different surgical techniques, used alone or in combination, have been employed aiming at achieveing predictable periodontal regeneration. Despite the wide research in the field of regenerative treatment of intrabony defects, to date is still mate of debate what surgery-related, biomaterial-related, defect-related and patient-related factors may have an impact on a predictable regenerative outcome. General Purpose To evaluate the clinical outcomes 6 months following surgical treatment of periodontal intraosseous defects with SFA in association with different biological agents (i.e. enamel matrix derivative (EMD), recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor–BB (rhPDGF-BB)) with or without scaffold materials. Specific Aims A. To evaluate the early postoperative healing of papillary incision wounds and its association with (i) technical (surgical) aspects as well as with (ii) 6-month clinical outcomes following buccal SFA in the treatment of intraosseous periodontal defects. B. To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of EMD either alone or in association with a deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) in the treatment of periodontal intraosseous defects accessed with the SFA, and identify defect/site characteristics that could play a role when establishing the most appropriate regenerative strategy to be combined with SFA. C. To evaluate the association of patient-related and site-specific factors, as well as the adopted treatment modality, with the change in buccal (bREC) and interdental (iREC) gingival recession observed at 6-months after treatment of periodontal intraosseous defects with the SFA. D. To compare the outcomes of a regenerative strategy based on rhPDGF-BB (0.3 mg/ml) and b-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) in the treatment of intraosseous defects accessed with the SFA versus DFA. Materials and Methods A. Forty-three intraosseous defects in 35 patients were accessed with a buccal SFA alone or in combination with a reconstructive technology (graft, EMD, DBBM + EMD, or DBBM + membrane). Postoperative healing was evaluated at 2 weeks using the Early Wound-Healing Index (EHI). B. Twenty-four patients were consecutively enrolled in a prospective cohort study (pragmatic trial). Twenty-four intraosseous defects were accessed with a buccal SFA and treated with EMD or EMD+DBBM according to the operator’ discretion. Clinical and radiographic parameters were assessed immediately before surgery and at 6 months post-surgery. C. Sixty-six patients contributing 74 intraosseous defects accessed with a buccal SFA and treated with different modalities were selected retrospectively. A two-level (patient and site) model was constructed, with the 6-month changes in bREC and iREC as the dependent variables. D. Fifteen and 13 defects, randomly assigned to SFA or DFA, respectively, were grafted with rhPDGF-BB + β-TCP. Probing parameters were assessed before and 6 months after surgery. Pain (VASpain) was self-reported using a visual analogue scale. Results A. EHI ranged from score 1 (i.e., complete flap closure and optimal healing) to score 4 (i.e., loss of primary closure and partial tissue necrosis). SFA resulted in a complete wound closure at 2 weeks in the great majority of sites. A significantly more frequent presence of interdental contact point and interdental soft tissue crater, and narrower base of the interdental papilla were observed at sites with either EHI >1 or EHI=4 compared to sites with EHI = 1. Although not statistically significant, an association between EHI and the 6-month clinical outcomes was observed. B. Treatment with EMD either alone or in association with DBBM resulted in a CAL gain and PPD reduction of 3.6 ± 1.5 mm and 5.0 ± 1.5, respectively. The interaction between the morphology of the intraosseous defect and the surgical treatment was statistically significant, with 1-wall and 3-wall component being more prevalent in EMD+DBBM and EMD groups, respectively. At 6 months no significant differences in clinical outcomes were observed between EMD and EMD+DBBM groups although the baseline characteristics of the defects were different between the two groups. C. Significant 6-month increases in bREC (-0.6 –0.7 mm) and iREC (-0.9 – 1.1 mm) were observed. bREC change was significantly predicted by presurgery interproximal PD and depth of osseous dehiscence at the buccal aspect. iREC change was significantly predicted by presurgery interproximal PD and the treatment modality, with defects treated with SFA in combination with a graft material and a bioactive agent being less prone to iREC increase compared to defects treated with SFA alone. D. Twelve SFA sites and DFA 6 sites showed complete flap closure at 2 weeks post-surgery. In the SFA group, the mean 6-month CAL gain was 4.0 mm, exceeding the mean improvements in CAL (3.2 mm) observed in the DFA group (although the difference did not reach statistical significance). No significant differences in 6-month changes in probing parameters and radiographic defect fill were found between groups. Significantly lower VASpain was observed in SFA group compared to DFA group at day +1, +2 and +6. A significantly greater number of analgesics were consumed in the DFA group compared to the SFA group at day +1. Conclusions The current results indicate that: i) SFA is a valuable surgical approach for reconstructive treatment of intraosseous periodontal defects; ii) At 2 weeks following surgery, buccal SFA resulted in predictable complete flap closure. Tooth type, presence of interdental contact point, interdental soft tissue crater and width of the interdental papilla seem to affect the early postoperative healing of the papillary incision. EHI seems to affect the 6-months clinical outcomes: EHI=1 sites showed bettare clinical results than sites with EHI>1; iii) EMD with or without DBBM is clinically effective in the treatment of periodontal intraosseous defects accessed with a buccal SFA. The adjunctive use of DBBM in predominantly 1-wall defects located at posterior teeth seems to compensate, at least in part, the unfavorable osseous characteristics on the outcomes of the procedure; iv) Deep intraosseous periodontal defects, accessed with the SFA can be effectively treated with careful debridement and root planing in combination with a composite graft of rhPDGF-BB (0.3 mg/ml) and β- TCP. SFA procedure shows a trend with better clinical results with compared with DFA; v) The surgical access performed in accordance with SFA principles results in better quality of early wound healing, lower pain and consumption of analgesics during the first postoperative days compared to the use of traditional papilla preservation techniques; vi) After buccal SFA, greater post-surgery increase in bREC must be expected for deep intraosseous defects associated with a buccal dehiscence. The combination of a graft material and a bioactive agent in adjunct to the SFA may limit the postoperative increase in iREC.
CUNEO, Antonio
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