03.1 Articolo su rivista: [55411] Home page tipologia

Prodotti della tipologia (ordinati per Data di deposito in Decrescente ordine): 201 a 220 di 55.411
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autore(i) File
Use of Telemedicine Healthcare Systems in Pediatric Assistance at Territorial Level: Consensus Document of the Italian Society of Telemedicine (SIT), of the Italian Society of Preventive and Social Pediatrics (SIPPS), of the Italian Society of Pediatric Primary Care (SICuPP), of the Italian Federation of Pediatric Doctors (FIMP) and of the Syndicate of Family Pediatrician Doctors (SIMPeF) 2023 Esposito, Susanna; Rosafio, Cristiano; Antodaro, Francesco; Argentiero, Alberto; Bassi, Marta; Be...cherucci, Paolo; Bonsanto, Fabio; Cagliero, Andrea; Cannata, Giulia; Capello, Fabio; Cardinale, Fabio; Chiriaco, Tiziana; Consolaro, Alessandro; Dessì, Angelica; Di Mauro, Giuseppe; Fainardi, Valentina; Fanos, Vassilios; Guarino, Alfredo; Li Calzi, Giada; Lodi, Elisa; Maghnie, Mohamad; Manfredini, Luca; Malorgio, Emanuela; Minuto, Nicola; Modena, Maria Grazia; Montori, Rossano; Moscatelli, Andrea; Patrone, Elisa; Pescio, Elena; Poeta, Marco; Ravelli, Angelo; Spelta, Maddalena; Suppiej, Agnese; Vai, Sergio; Villa, Luca; Zanini, Rinaldo; Botti, Renato; Gaddi, Antonio Vittorino
Whole-Exome Sequencing in a Family with an Unexplained Tendency for Venous Thromboembolism: Multicomponent Prediction of Low-Frequency Variant Deleteriousness and of Individual Protein Interaction 2023 Lunghi, Barbara; Ziliotto, Nicole; Balestra, Dario; Rossi, Lucrezia; Della Valle, Patrizia; Pigna...telli, Pasquale; Pinotti, Mirko; D'Angelo, Armando; Marchetti, Giovanna; Bernardi, Francesco
An experimental and numerical study of the solid particle erosion damage in an industrial cement large-sized fan 2023 Fortini, Annalisa; Suman, Alessio; Zanini, Nicola
Diffusional Features of a Lithium-Sulfur Battery Exploiting Highly Microporous Activated Carbon 2023 Lama, Fernando Luna; Marangon, Vittorio; Caballero, Álvaro; Morales, Julián; Hassoun, Jusef
A Safe-by-Design Approach for the Synthesis of a Novel Cross-Linked Hyaluronic Acid with Improved Biological and Physical Properties 2023 Sciabica, Sabrina; Barbari, Riccardo; Fontana, Riccardo; Tafuro, Giovanni; Semenzato, Alessandra;... Traini, Daniela; Silva, Dina M.; Reis, Larissa Gomes Dos; Canilli, Luisa; Terno, Massimo; Marconi, Peggy; Baldisserotto, Anna; Vertuani, Silvia; Manfredini, Stefano
The 100-month Swift catalogue of supergiant fast X-ray transients II. SFXT diagnostics from outburst properties 2023 Romano, P.; Evans, P. A.; Bozzo, E.; Mangano, V.; Vercellone, S.; Guidorzi, C.; Ducci, L.; Kennea..., J. A.; Barthelmy, S. D.; Palmer, D. M.; Krimm, H. A.; Cenko, B.
Metabolically Healthy Overweight and Obesity, Transition to Metabolically Unhealthy Status and Cognitive Function: Results from the Framingham Offspring Study 2023 Kouvari, M.; M. D'Cunha, N.; Tsiampalis, T.; Zec, M.; Sergi, D.; Travica, N.; Marx, W.; Mckune, A.... J.; Panagiotakos, D. B.; Naumovski, N.
Cellular and molecular features of COVID-19 associated ARDS: therapeutic relevance 2023 Scaramuzzo, Gaetano; Nucera, Francesco; Asmundo, Alessio; Messina, Roberto; Mari, Matilde; Montan...aro, Federica; Johansen, Matt D; Monaco, Francesco; Fadda, Guido; Tuccari, Giovanni; Hansbro, Nicole G; Hansbro, Philip M; Hansel, Trevor T; Adcock, Ian M; David, Antonio; Kirkham, Paul; Caramori, Gaetano; Volta, Carlo Alberto; Spadaro, Savino
Lung and diaphragm ultrasound in noninvasive respiratory support: A real tool or fashion? 2023 Di Costanzo, Domenica; Mazza, Mariano; Ruggeri, Paolo; Blanco, Jacobo Bacariza; Mina, Bushra; Fio...rentino, Giuseppe; Lazovic, Biljana; Scaramuzzo, Gaetano; Esquinas, Antonio
Il "caso Dobbs": originalismo "estremo" e crisi del costituzionalismo negli States 2023 Veronesi, Paolo
Lavandula austroapennina and Lavandula angustifolia essential oils and bioactive components: in vitro anti-denaturation effect of lavender from the Pollino massif (Southern Italy) 2023 Conforti, F.; Perri, M. R.; Guerrini, A.; Sacchetti, G.; Statti, G.
Le persone e le cose. Anders lettore di Rodin 2023 Latini, M.
Defibrotide impact on the acute GVHD disease incidence in pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients 2023 Squillaci, Domenica; Marcuzzi, Annalisa; Rimondi, Erika; Riccio, Guglielmo; Barbi, Egidio; Zanon,... Davide; Maximova, Natalia
The Oncohumanities training programme: Fostering a deeper engagement and integration of oncology and humanities to tackle the pressing and complex challenges of cancer care 2023 Carrieri, Daniele; Peccatori, Fedro Alessandro; Boniolo, Giovanni
"As-Needed" Inhaled Corticosteroids for Patients With Asthma 2023 Cardet, Juan Carlos; Papi, Alberto; Reddel, Helen K
Dupilumab Efficacy in Patients With Uncontrolled or Oral Corticosteroid-Dependent Allergic and Nonallergic Asthma 2023 Brusselle, Guy; Quirce, Santiago; Papi, Alberto; Kuna, Piotr; Chipps, Bradley E; Hanania, Nicola ...A; Blaiss, Michael; Msihid, Jérôme; Jacob-Nara, Juby A; Deniz, Yamo; Rowe, Paul J; Gall, Rebecca; Ortiz, Benjamin; Djandji, Michel; Radwan, Amr
Patients with Alzheimer’s disease dementia show partially preserved parietal ‘hubs’ modeled from resting-state alpha electroencephalographic rhythms 2023 Lopez, S.; Del Percio, C.; Lizio, R.; Noce, G.; Padovani, A.; Nobili, F.; Arnaldi, D.; Fama, F.; ...Moretti, D. V.; Cagnin, A.; Koch, G.; Benussi, A.; Onofrj, M.; Borroni, B.; Soricelli, A.; Ferri, R.; Buttinelli, C.; Giubilei, F.; Guntekin, B.; Yener, G.; Stocchi, F.; Vacca, L.; Bonanni, L.; Babiloni, C.
Unravelling neurotransmitters impairment in primary progressive aphasias 2023 Premi, E.; Dukart, J.; Mattioli, I.; Libri, I.; Pengo, M.; Gadola, Y.; Cotelli, M.; Manenti, R.; ...Binetti, G.; Gazzina, S.; Alberici, A.; Magoni, M.; Koch, G.; Gasparotti, R.; Padovani, A.; Borroni, B.
Temporal lobe atrophy as a potential predictor of functional outcome in older adults with acute ischemic stroke 2023 Sallustio, F.; Mascolo, A. P.; Marrama, F.; D'Agostino, F.; Proietti, M.; Greco, L.; Di Giuliano,... F.; Alemseged, F.; Gandini, R.; Martorana, A.; Diomedi, M.; Koch, G.
Reply: Can transcranial magnetic stimulation rescue dopaminergic signalling in Alzheimer disease? 2023 Koch, Giacomo; Martorana, Alessandro
Prodotti della tipologia (ordinati per Data di deposito in Decrescente ordine): 201 a 220 di 55.411
Legenda icone

  •  file ad accesso aperto
  •  file disponibili solo agli amministratori
  •  file sotto embargo
  •  nessun file disponibile

  • 03 Contributo in rivista (Pubblic...55411
  • CALABRESE, Roberto1259
  • LUPPI, Eleonora1204
  • PAPPALARDO, Luciano Libero660
  • GARZIA, Isabella657
  • FIORINI, Massimiliano652
  • TOMASSETTI, Luca622
  • CARINCI, Francesco591
  • FERRARI, Roberto576
  • MANFREDINI, Roberto554
  • CIBINETTO, Gianluigi548
Data di pubblicazione
  • In corso di stampa37
  • 2020 - 202410759
  • 2010 - 201921950
  • 2000 - 200913974
  • 1990 - 19996309
  • 1980 - 19892003
  • 1970 - 1979363
  • 1965 - 196915
  • Elsevier BV:PO Box 211, 1000 AE A...186
  • Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford F...166
  • Amer Physical Soc98
  • Springer Verlag Germany:Tiergarte...85
  • American Chemical Society:1155 Si...84
  • American Institute of Physics:2 H...73
  • Blackwell Munksgaard:PO Box 2148,...71
  • Giuffre Editore Spa:via Busto Ars...60
  • Royal Society of Chemistry:Thomas...53
  • Blackwell Science Limited:PO Box ...52
  • PLOS ONE298
  • Humans1613
  • Female901
  • Male824
  • Middle Aged565
  • Italy505
  • Aged501
  • Adult475
  • COVID-19400
  • Animals274
  • Medicine (all)243
  • eng44092
  • ita11659
  • spa207
  • fre205
  • ger156
  • por27
  • und21
  • enm16
  • grc11
  • rus10
Accesso al fulltext
  • no fulltext37531
  • open9129
  • reserved5599
  • partially open3143
  • mixed6
  • embargoed2
  • restricted1