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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autore(i) File
The transformation of cluster galaxies at intermediate redshift 2005 Homeier, Nl; Demarco, R; Rosati, Piero; Postman, M; Blakeslee, Jp; Bouwens, Rj; Bradley, Ld; Ford..., Hc; Goto, T; Gronwall, C; Holden, B; Jee, Mj; Martel, Ar; Mei, S; Menanteau, F; Zirm, A; Clampin, M; Hartig, Gf; Illingworth, Gd; Ardila, Dr; Bartko, F; Benitez, N; Broadhurst, Tj; Brown, Ra; Burrows, Cj; Cheng, Es; Cross, Njg; Feldman, Pd; Franx, M; Golimowski, Da; Infante, L; Kimble, Ra; Krist, Je; Lesser, Mp; Meurer, Gr; Miley, Gk; Motta, V; Sirianni, M; Sparks, Wb; Tran, Hd; Tsvetanov, Zi; White, Rl; Zheng, W. file con accesso da definire
The Hubble higher z supernova search: Supernovae to z ~ 1.6 and constraints on type Ia progenitor models 2005 Strolger, Lg; Riess, Ag; Dahlen, T; Livio, M; Panagia, N; Challis, P; Tonry, Jl; Filippenko, Av; ...Chornock, R; Ferguson, H; Koekemoer, A; Mobasher, B; Dickinson, M; Giavalisco, M; Casertano, S; Hook, R; Bondin, S; Leibundgut, B; Nonino, M; Rosati, Piero; Spinrad, H; Steidel, Cc; Stern, D; Garnavich, Pm; Matheson, T; Grogin, N; Hornschemeier, A; Kretchmer, C; Laidler, Vg; Lee, K; Lucas, R; de Mello, D; Moustakas, La; Ravindranath, S; Richardson, M; Taylor, E. file con accesso da definire
The Chandra deep field South/GOODS survey - Optically faint X-ray sources 2005 Mainieri, V; Rosati, Piero; Tozzi, P; Bergeron, J; Gilli, R; Hasinger, G; Nonino, M; Lehmann, I; ...Alexander, Dm; Idzi, R; Koekemoer, Am; Norman, C; Szokoly, G; Zheng, W. file con accesso da definire
Evidence for a massive poststarburst galaxy at z ~ 6.5 2005 Mobasher, B; Dickinson, M; Ferguson, Hc; Giavalisco, M; Wiklind, T; Stark, D; Ellis, Rs; Fall, Sm...; Grogin, Na; Moustakas, La; Panagia, N; Sosey, M; Stiavelli, M; Bergeron, E; Casertano, S; Ingraham, P; Koekemoer, A; Labbe, I; Livio, M; Rodgers, B; Scarlata, C; Vernet, J; Renzini, A; Rosati, Piero; Kuntschner, H; Kummel, M; Walsh, Jr; Chary, R; Eisenhardt, P; Pirzkal, N; Stern, D. file con accesso da definire
Hunting post-AGB/RSG objects using Virtual Observatories and other internet-based technology 2005 Richards, Ams; Diamond, Pj; Bayo, A; Sierra, M; Garcia Lario, P; Osuna, P; Padovani, P; Rosati, P...iero; Allen, Mg; Derriere, S; Walton, Na; Bains, I. file con accesso da definire
Weak-lensing analysis of the z ~ 0.8 cluster CL 0152-1357 with the advanced camera for surveys 2005 Jee, Mj; White, Rl; Benitez, N; Ford, Hc; Blakeslee, P; Rosati, Piero; Demarco, R; Illingworth, Gd file con accesso da definire
The spatial clustering of X-ray selected AGN and galaxies in the Chandra Deep Field South and North 2005 Gilli, R; Daddi, E; Zamorani, G; Tozzi, P; Borgani, S; Bergeron, J; Giacconi, R; Hasinger, G; Mai...nieri, V; Norman, C; Rosati, Piero; Szokoly, G; Zheng, W. file con accesso da definire
Hubble Space Telescope ACS weak-lensing analysis of the galaxy cluster RDCS 1252.9-2927 at z=1.24 2005 Lombardi, M; Rosati, Piero; Blakeslee, Jp; Ettori, S; Demarco, R; Ford, Hc; Illingworth, Gd; Clam...pin, M; Hartig, Gf; Benitez, N; Broadhurst, Tj; Franx, M; Jee, Mj; Postman, M; White, Rl file con accesso da definire
A VLT spectroscopic survey of RX J0152.7-1357, a forming cluster of galaxies at z=0.837 2005 Demarco, R; Rosati, Piero; Lidman, C; Homeier, Nl; Scannapieco, E; Benitez, N; Mainieri, V; Nonin...o, M; Girardi, M; Stanford, Sa; Tozzi, P; Borgani, S; Silk, J; Squires, G; Broadhurst, Tj file con accesso da definire
Discovery of an X-ray-luminous galaxy cluster at z=1.4 2005 Mullis, Cr; Rosati, Piero; Lamer, G; Bohringer, H; Schwope, A; Schuecker, P; Fassbender, R. file con accesso da definire
Mass-to-light ratios of field early-type galaxies at z ~ 1 from ultradeep spectroscopy: Evidence for mass-dependent evolution 2005 van der Wel, A; Franx, M; van Dokkum, Pg; Rix, Hw; Illingworth, Gd; Rosati, Piero file con accesso da definire
The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey VLT/FORS2 spectroscopy in the GOODS-South Field 2005 Vanzella, E; Cristiani, S; Dickinson, M; Kuntschner, H; Moustakas, La; Nonino, M; Rosati, Piero; ...Stern, D; Cesarsky, C; Ettori, S; Ferguson, Hc; Fosbury, Rae; Giavalisco, M; Haase, J; Renzini, A; Rettura, A; Serra, P. file con accesso da definire
The extended Chandra Deep Field-South survey: Chandra point-source catalogs 2005 Lehmer, Bd; Brandt, Wn; Alexander, Dm; Bauer, Fe; Schneider, Dp; Tozzi, P; Bergeron, J; Garmire, ...Gp; Giacconi, R; Gilli, R; Hasinger, G; Hornschemeier, Ae; Koekemoer, Am; Mainieri, V; Miyaji, T; Nonino, M; Rosati, Piero; Silverman, Jd; Szokoly, G; Vignali, C. file con accesso da definire
Strong-lensing analysis of A1689 from deep Advanced Camera images 2005 Broadhurst, T; Benitez, N; Coe, D; Sharon, K; Zekser, K; White, R; Ford, H; Bouwens, R; Blakeslee..., J; Clampin, M; Cross, N; Franx, M; Frye, B; Hartig, G; Illingworth, G; Infante, L; Menanteau, F; Meurer, G; Postman, M; Ardila, Dr; Bartko, F; Brown, Ra; Burrows, Cj; Cheng, Es; Feldman, Pd; Golimowski, Da; Goto, T; Gronwall, C; Herranz, D; Holden, B; Homeier, N; Krist, Je; Lesser, Mp; Martel, Ar; Miley, Gk; Rosati, Piero; Sirianni, M; Sparks, Wb; Steindling, S; Tran, Hd; Tsvetanov, Zi; Zheng, W. file con accesso da definire
Internal dynamics of the z ~ 0.8 cluster RX J0152.7-1357 2005 Girardi, M; Demarco, R; Rosati, Piero; Borgani, S. file con accesso da definire
Feedback and brightest cluster galaxy formation: ACS observations of the radio galaxy TNJ J1338-1942 AT z=4.1 2005 Zirm, Aw; Overzier, Ra; Miley, Gk; Blakeslee, Jp; Clampin, M; De Breuck, C; Demarco, R; Ford, Hc;... Hartig, Gf; Homeier, N; Illingworth, Gd; Martel, Ar; Rottgering, Hja; Venemans, B; Ardila, Dr; Bartko, F; Benitez, Nb; Bouwens, Rj; Bradley, Ld; Broadhurst, Tj; Brown, Ra; Burrows, Cj; Cheng, Es; Cross, Njg; Feldman, Pd; Franx, M; Golimowski, Da; Goto, T; Gronwall, C; Holden, B; Infante, L; Kimble, Ra; Krist, Je; Lesser, Mp; Mei, S; Menanteau, F; Meurer, Gr; Motta, V; Postman, M; Rosati, Piero; Sirianni, M; Sparks, Wb; Tran, Hd; Tsvetanov, Zi; White, Rl; Zheng, W. file con accesso da definire
An overdensity of galaxies near the most distant radio-loud quasar 2006 Zheng, W; Overzier, Ra; Bouwens, Rj; White, Rl; Ford, Hc; Benitez, N; Blakeslee, Jp; Bradley, Ld;... Jee, Mj; Martel, Ar; Mei, S; Zirm, Aw; Illingworth, Gd; Clampin, M; Hartig, Gf; Ardila, Dr; Bartko, F; Broadhurst, Tj; Brown, Ra; Burrows, Cj; Cheng, Es; Cross, Njg; Demarco, R; Feldman, Pd; Franx, M; Golimowski, Da; Goto, T; Gronwall, C; Holden, B; Homeier, N; Infante, L; Kimble, Ra; Krist, Je; Lesser, Mp; Menanteau, F; Meurer, Gr; Miley, Gk; Motta, V; Postman, M; Rosati, Piero; Sirianni, M; Sparks, Wb; Tran, Hd; Tsvetanov, Zi file con accesso da definire
X-ray spectral properties of active galactic nuclei in the Chandra Deep Field South 2006 Tozzi, P; Gilli, R; Mainieri, V; Norman, C; Risaliti, G; Rosati, Piero; Bergeron, J; Borgani, S; ...Giacconi, R; Hasinger, G; Nonino, M; Streblyanska, A; Szokoly, G; Wang, Jx; Zheng, W. file con accesso da definire
The formation epoch of early-type galaxies in the z ~ 0.9 Cl 1604 supercluster 2006 Homeier, Nl; Mei, S; Blakeslee, Jp; Postman, M; Holden, B; Ford, Hc; Bradley, Ld; Demarco, R; Fra...nx, M; Illingworth, Gd; Jee, Mj; Menanteau, F; Rosati, Piero; Van Der Wel, A; Zirm, A. file con accesso da definire
The spiderweb galaxy: A forming massive cluster galaxy at z ~ 2 2006 Miley, Gk; Overzier, Ra; Zirm, Aw; Ford, Hc; Kurk, J; Pentericci, L; Blakeslee, Jp; Franx, M; Ill...ingworth, Gd; Postman, M; Rosati, Piero; Rottgering, Hja; Venemans, Bp; Helder, E. file con accesso da definire
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